Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jack in the Pulpit. Ariaema Triphyllum 

Jack in the Pulpit is my favorite Vermont wild flower.  The first time I saw it I thought I must have found something really rare.  Come to find out, it's very common here in the Eastern United States.  Now that I know where to look I see them everywhere!  They grow in the shade, are found in the woods and floodplains and love rich, moist soil.  

I think to truly enjoy these flowers you need to take the time to get down and lift up their "hoods."  You'll see the amazing stripes and the spadix, or spike.  If you look really close, down at the base of the spadix, you'll see tiny flowers or berry like things.

I transferred one flower from the woods to my shade flower bed.  That was about 4 years ago and now I have about 6 growing.  In a flower bed they grow much bigger then they  do in wild.  Just beware while handing, they can be a skin irritant.

Parts of the Jack in the pulpit are edible after being cooked.  I've never done this, but there are directions on the Internet if any of you want to try.  Let me know if you do!

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